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The New Parent's Guide to Saving Memorabilia

by Brandie Valenzuela

A few years ago, I met some ladies at a friend's baby shower and at one point they discussed the items that they had saved from the little ones early years. It was an interesting conversation, but the more I listened, I found myself feeling a little sad because I had not saved many of the things they mentioned -- like my baby's Band-Aid from her first immunization. Well, now that my oldest children are 9 and 10 years old, and I have come to grips with the fact that I didn't save as much as I wished I had, but I really didn't do that bad of a job! I also know that I have many years left to save those special memories of the times to come! We were also fortunate enough to have our third child, now almost 6 months old, and the creative scrapper in me is being very careful to save all those important bits and pieces of memorabilia.

I think the most interesting baby books and scrapbooks have some memorabilia in it. I personally have a big box for each of my children, which I have kept those other important items that just won't fit in the baby book or scrapbook.

Below are some ideas to get you thinking of things that you might like to consider keeping. This list, of course, is just a guide. There may be things on this list that you personally don't find to have a real attachment to or items that you think might be missing. Saving memorabilia is an extremely personal endeavor, and what one person considers trash, another might see it as a future window to the past.


THE BABY: *Band-Aid from his first immunization
*Lock of hair (from first hair cut)
*Label from first jar of baby food
*Pair of baby booties
*Receiving blanket, blessing outfit, christening gown, etc.
*Outfit worn home from the hospital
*Cards (birthday, Christmas, birth announcement, etc.)
*Baby Shower invitation
*Gift list from baby shower
*Plate, cup, and napkin from baby shower
*Something from a game played at baby shower
*Diaper from first package
*Dried umbilical cord piece
*Anything from day of birth - hospital bracelets, bassinets ID cards, mom's menu, newspaper clippings, hospital or birthing center bill, cover off of TV Guide. Did Dad sneak Mom a treat? Save the wrapper.
*If saving newspaper of the days the baby was born, stamp baby's footprints in black ink on the front of the paper.
*First movie or sporting event stub
*Ultrasound pictures
*Diary of mom's OB visits (weights, etc.)
*Hospital mask or piece of hospital gown that dad wore
*Grocery and/or gas receipt from first week or month baby was born
*Piece of wrapping paper from baby shower gifts
*Copy of your rental agreement or mortgage papers
*First rattle or toy

GETTING OLDER: *First tooth your child loses
*School art and papers
*Awards and certificates
*Pictures they draw
*First attempts at writing letters and numbers
*Sticker from first dental visit
*First fast food fry bag, hamburger wrapper, or kid's meal box.
*Anything from child's first day of school -- first lunch menu, teacher's welcome letter, etc.
*Attend preschool? Keep a copy of the preschools brochure or business card
*Something from their first bank account or paying job


*Postcards from places visited
*Nature - leaves, flowers, sand/dirt (place in a baggie), shells, sticks, etc. from trips
*Piece of wrapping paper (baptism, birthday's, Christmas, etc.)
*Favorite family recipes
*Lyrics to favorite songs child enjoys
*Buy one new Christmas ornament each year for your child (give all to child when he/she gets married or moves out on their own)

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